Monday, 26 November 2007

Splash Sculpture

Work description:
VFX Sculpture based on dynamic simulation systems


VFX digital sculpture developed by Pere Gifre
(based on general concept by Program Collective)

A 21 meters, 65 ft, tall splash sculpture was formed from 135 independent and enterely computer generated pieces to represent the force, beauty and dynamism of a drop of water hitting a surface.

Design: Program Collective

Exhibition: "Agua de la vida" Zaragoza World Expo 2008

Place: Water Tower made by Enrique de Teresa
Venue: Expo Zaragoza 2008(Spain)
Opening: June 2008

The Concept
What more can express strength, force, danger, beauty, simplicity, complexity, sensitivity and virulence than a simple drop of water hitting a surface.

The Splash sculpture is an instant time capture, a moment, a frame... where a drop of water hit on a rectangular surface caused an explosion which Program Collective named Splash.

The Process

Mona Kim research picture where we can see a real water explosion.

In the design, we amplify properties that the water offers to us, thanks to fluids simulation, improving its beauty and heightening its sculptural function.

Here we see a conceptual sketch of Simon Taylor marking the design guidelines.

Simulation dynamic systems

Final CG Sculpure

Sometimes the reality has to be amplified, this help us to amplify its beauty. We have done this with dynamic simulation systems.

This fields effects, turbulences or environmental forces help us to emphasize its sculptural function and improve its forms.

Stereolithography Model

We transform and adapt the pieces or the geometric computer models generated by fluids simulation to CAD/CAM systems to make the miniature model and understand better the sculpture.

Large Scale CAD/CAM Sculpture

PQC Company making the large scale sculpture based on IKONIC arts design.

On place (working progress)

Finally we´ll adapt the large scale sculpture on place, inside the Water Tower Building.

"Agua de la Vida" Exhibition by Program Collective

Expo Zaragoza 2008

Monday, 12 November 2007

Viaje a Simorgh

Work description:
A VFX animation (35' min) for an opera scenography (stage directed anf scene by Frederic Amat)

Client: Teatro Real (

The Beginning
Here we can see the IKONIC arts´s creative director (Pere Gifre) and project manager (Daniel Molina) talking about the audiovisuals pre-production with Frederic Amat, the stage director and scene.

The Pre-production

Once we have the concept art, we´ve made storyboards to develop the scenes with the director.

In this project we created 35 minutes worth of computerized animation for which different techniques were required. We used HD filming, paintings in motion and 3D simulations with dynamic systems programs.

Different kind of birds

The Process
When we got the concept art we developed the production animation to project it onto scenery.

The Place
Madrid Royal Theater is one of the most famous European opera theaters. It has capacity for 1854 spectators.

Frame by frame, using different animation techniques , we move on always on the same Frederic Amat art direction.

Here, there are some animation frame examples of the opera directed by Frederic Amat.
Typography designed by Estela Robles

On Stage
Here we can see some scene images of the opera.

Friday, 9 November 2007

NY Aquarium

Work description:
A 3D fish scales sculptures and color particle LEDs study

Design: Cloud9 - WRT(

Fish scales sculpture design process:

Color particle LEDs study process:

NY Aquarium by Day

NY Aquarium by Night: Cloud9 Model

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Prestige Forest Hotel

Work description:
Color particle leds environment study for the Prestige Forest Hotel

Design: Cloud9 (

Prestige Forest by Night: Light color study

Prestige Forest by Day : The LEDs seems a leaves on a tree, projecting shadows on the walls

The LEd color light depends of the sun rays. More information...

1- Built an exactly 3D hotel matrix mesh
2- Built an exactly 3D LED with the same properties
3- Adapting the 5000 LEDs on the mesh
4- Simulation of real LEDs light and possible reflections

5- Simulation with dynamic systems of the environment

Matrix of 5000 LEDs

Exhibition at MoMa´s Museum

On Site - New Architecture Exhibition

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Villanurbs Project

Work Description:
Striking rain drops simulation on house and splash design sculpture for VillaNurbs roof

Design: Cloud 9 ( ,

1- Built an exactly 3d house mesh
2- Striking rain drops simulation on roof
3- Choose the better impacts
4- Rebuild the rain drops splashes
5- Sculpt the ending shapes

Final sculpture design for VillaNurbs roof based on dynamic simulation systems